Detailled build document available. Easy build!You can replace all your True Bypass 3PDT switches by the Relay Bypass. The Relay Bypass is a more reliable and silent system for switching. I wrote several blog posts about it and some people requested a PCB so here it is!
The PCB ships with a preprogrammed PIC12F675, and you can optionally add the relay or the photoFET, which are parts that can be hard to come by.
3 Comment
Unfortunately this item is sold out... Will it be available again? Thanx
Answeryep. trying to grab some of these. still sold out. Also, doesn't seem to be any way to add multiple items to a cart to checkout at the same time.
AnswerThe photofet is supposed to be powered with pin4 of the pic, which is "input only" (https://www.coda-effects.com/2016/08/relay-bypass-with-anti-pop-system.html), how could it work ?